Author: Joe

Article: Tips and Trends from the Experts

An article written by SCPC’s President Matthew Boomhower, has been featured in the Rental Owner Magazine published by the San Diego County Apartment Association. Check out the write up at on page 41.

SCPC Project Featured in National Publication

An SCPC project has been featured in a national publication, Worship Facilities Designer. Check out the write up on the First Unitarian Universalist Church Welcome Center and Campus Renovation at under current issue.

New Creation Church Project Complete

SCPC is pleased to announce that the New Creation Church Parking Lot Lighting project is now complete. The project was performed on time, on budget, and the congregation is thrilled. Please visit our Projects section of our website to see the project photos.

SCPC New Project – Master Plan Evaluation

Southern Cross Property Consultants has been retained by Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church in La Mesa to perform an evaluation of their campus master plan and recommend updates that coincide with their Church’s mission.

San Diego Orchid Awards Project Submission

Southern Cross Property Consultants is pleased to announce that Mission Hills United Methodist Church Restoration has been submitted for a San Diego Architectural Foundation Orchid Award. People’s choice voting will start in September on the Orchids and Onions website

SCPC Company Update

Southern Cross Property Consultants is pleased to announce that on July 31 Thelest Stewart will be retiring as our office manager. Thelest has been a valuable part of the Southern Cross Property Consultants team since 2008. While she will be missed, we are also pleased to announce that in June, Kristin Westerman joined the team as our new Office Manager and has hit the ground running. Please join us in congratulating Thelest on her retirement and in welcoming Kristin to the Southern Cross Property Consultants team.

SCPC’s 11th Anniversary

SCPC’s 11th Anniversary

As Southern Cross Property Consultants celebrates our 11th anniversary, we wanted to take this opportunity to thank our clients, fellow professionals, and friends for helping to make the past year so successful. The success of our business is based entirely on the relationships that we 

New Creation Church – Project Update

Here is a photo from last weeks preparation for the pole base pour at New Creation Church in the lower lot. The project is 57% complete and next week the parking lots will get slurry sealed and striped.

Enhanced SCPC Website & Social Media Integration

Southern Cross Property Consultants is pleased to announce our newly redesigned and enhanced website and integrated social media platforms. Joe Chisholm on the SCPC team and Armand Gilbert Web Design have done a great job and we’re excited to show it off. We invite you to check out the website at, like us on Facebook, connect with us on LinkedIn, and follow us on Twitter @SouthernCrossPC.